Gravitational-Wave Early Career Scientists


GWECS is not about creating a GW community of early career scientists today.

It is not even about creating a GW community of tomorrow.

It is about creating a mechanism by which subsequent generations of early career scientists can deal with the needs and challenges of their own times, and by which they are confronted with the responsibility of designing the future of GW research over the effort of the past.

GWECS is nothing but guaranteeing dynamical, ever-changing continuity to a multi-generational endeavour called GW astronomy.

The gravitational wave early career scientists (GWECS) organisation is designed to unite and coordinate different communities of ECSs working on GWs, with the scope of

  1. Becoming a strong and constructive voice for the future GW community,
  2. Addressing the needs of ECSs and foster a healthy professional environment,
  3. Sharing career opportunities and learn valuable professional soft skills,
  4. Ensuring that the international and interdisciplinary GW community shares a common scientific language, builds long-lasting communication channels and exchanges relevant research knowledge and tools for the benefit of its own future.

The GWECS mission consists in organising different actions aimed at advancing towards the goals listed here above, and in representing the GW community of ECSs at large. All GWECS initiatives are organised, managed and coordinated by ECSs on a voluntary basis.

GWECS Coordination Office

Secretary General

Coordination Generals

GWECS Offices

Well being & Mental health

  • Kamiel Janssens
  • Aubrey Laity
  • Bihan Shen
  • Narenraju Nagarajan

DEI & Social welfare

  • Anna Balaudo
  • Hassan Khalvati
  • Francisco Salces-Carcoba
  • William Smith
  • Snehal Tibrewal

Career opportunities

  • Elisa Maggio
  • Nils Albin Nilsson
  • Krishnendu N V
  • Narenraju Nagarajan

Education & Skill development

  • Hassan Khalvati
  • Golam Shaifullah
  • Krishnendu N V
  • Julian Gurs
  • Ameer Sider

Science & Research

  • Mikhail Korobko
  • Anna Balaudo
  • Zachary Nasipak
  • Aubrey Laity
  • Nils Albin Nilsson

Funding & Sustainability

  • Jessica Steinlechner
  • Julian Gurs
  • Golam Shaifullah
  • Elisa Maggio

Media & Outreach

  • Mikhail Korobko
  • Zachary Nasipak
  • Guglielmo Faggioli

Tech support & Membership management

  • Mikhail Korobko
  • Zachary Nasipak
  • Julian Gurs
  • Elisa Maggio

Former Officers

  • Jiang Ji Ho Zhang (Well being & Mental health)
  • Alexander Criswell (DEI & Social welfare, Media & Outreach)
  • Gabriela Conde Saavedra (Career opportunities, Science & Research)

GWECS Projects

GWECS Job Fair

GWECS Job Fair

Regular job fair event that connects early career scientist looking for jobs and the potential employers.

GWÆCS workshop

GWÆCS workshop

Gravitational Wave Astrophysics for Early Career Scientists

Well Being and Mental Health talks

Well Being and Mental Health talks

A series of talks specially dedicated to PhDs and Postdocs in the academic field, covering topics regarding well being and mental health such as preventing burnout, improving resilience at work or healthy leadership.


If you email to this list, the elected GWECS Council will receive it.